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Time-Line Distortion in Star Trek: Generations

You must be thinking that this is for only the Star Trek fans. No, it is for everyone who wants to know more about space-time continuum. So, if you are still here, lets have a little introduction and also a review. First of all, a time-line distortion can be defined in different words but the main thing is that it happens when the present time-line is tampered with. The results can vary. I cannot possibly discuss all the outcomes. I am only concerned about the one which could happen in the seventh installment of the original Star Trek movie series.

Earlier I said about a review. It is really just a short one. The first six movies of this series are really worth spending a bine-watch night. But the problems with the seventh one is many. First of all, there a jump of 78 years about which we do not have any information. And honestly in my opinion, after the thrilling six movies, Star Trek Generations feels just a drag. One kind of start missing Captain Kirk, Captain Spock and their crew members. Almost when we start feeling that it cannot become worse, and the movie about to reach the climax, it happens.
What happens? Well that is the main topic of this article. A spoiler alert for those who are still intending to watch the seventh instalment is in order now. But for those who have already watched it or want to still move on, lets continue. It happens that Captain Picard, the present captain of the Starship Enterprise intending to stop Soran who wants to enter the Temporal Nexus is pulled inside it with him. Temporal Nexus is a place where one can live eternally and can live with whomever they want to. In there he comes to know that he can return to whatever place he wants to in whichever time he chooses. To enter this place Soran destroyed a star which killed millions of people of the planet Veridian III and the crew of the present-day Enterprise. Naturally, Captain Picard wants to return to to the exact moment before Soran destroyed the star and stop him. He does so and stops him too.

Hope you understood the backstory. Now where does the distortion of the Time-Line occur. Consider this that when Picard stopped Soran going into the Nexus, he stopped himself from going in too. So, he was not able to return to that moment through the Nexus in the future. So, how does he come back to that moment to stop Soran. Besides, when he comes back to that moment, aren’t there going to be two Captain Picard and not one but we do not see the original Picard from the past. So, we see how the time-line is distorted in this story. Hope, you understood what I said. And even if you did not, watch the movie once and then consider my point. Thar’s it. In the space language- Quantum Buddy out.


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