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Showing posts from May, 2021

The Fourth Dimension - The Time-Space Model

Have you considered an object with just three dimensions? Well, of course you have. Everyone generally has. The three dimensions namely height, length and breadth seem to make up any object we see around us. And as our tendency is, we take up that definition without question. Which tendency am I talking about? Well, it is to accept a hypothesis that makes the definition of a thing the simplest. But as the great physicists have come up with the fact that there is indeed a fourth dimension.                                                                                                                                                                             The first thought that comes in mind on reading the fourth dimension is a mathematically worked out plane perpendicular to the other three. But probable as it seems, and yes simpler too, I am not talking about that. Mathematically considering we can use this definition, but let’s change into something different. Consider th